Tuesday, June 25, 2013

(Now) ' too tired to blog. .... . . ... ..'

June 25th 9:22 P.M.

staring blankly at the page, feebly trying to pull together my thoughts, i realize i'm in a dead stare. i used to tell people that i was on 'UHF'. you know, after the late show, they would show the flag blowing and a stock version of the national anthem would play. Then after the last note of the song, the tv would go straight static; 'phhhhhhhhh'. June has left me on UHF. can't post....signal getting weaker....it's no use... phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I'll be in school through July. Call the office if you need anything.............

Monday, June 10, 2013

Learnin' to use The Twitter

So everyone at PS 10 is learning how to use Twitter. Don't get excited..I know some of you have tweeted for a while. I'm learning the language and I can't seem to get it right...yet. I am determined not to be unyielding. If I've learned anything in these unexpected last 10 years, it's to never stop learning. I can't act like the world around me isn't communicating and sharing info in a different way than any of us may have imagined. There's a lot of potential here.
As I wax philosophical, I am reminded of the words of a great 20th century philosopher: 
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
                                                                                                   - Ferris Bueller 
follow me (if you dare) on Twitter  @maddyseide 
and you'll find the rest of the gang  #ps10bk (is this right?)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Not Your Mama's PTA.........

The title of this post was supposed to be' Too Tired to Blog...'.  You see, weeks have passed since my last post. The end of the school year is crazy, too crazy. Most celebrations, parties, events, picnics, the carnival, graduation festivities thrown, are in these last 6 weeks. It is very exhausting; you can't think straight.  Friday May 31st: kindergarten party in the school yard, Prospect Park picnic, Senior trip to Chelsea Piers, PS 10 Junior Concert, PS10 Rocks! I'm sure I am forgetting something.It all works out in the end.

I woke up this morning and all I could think was "How do they do it?". Not how do we do it; how do all of you do it. Honestly... I work here, but all of our parents do too. Now, maybe you think I'm being too ingratiating with the 'Thank you (s)'. There has to be a better way to describe what I'm talking about. I'll try .

My daughter, Emily goes to school in Manhattan for the last 10 years, at a wonderful school called AMAC (Assoc. for Metro Area Autistic Children). I am so grateful for this everyday. It's on W. 17th St., she is bussed door to door, she's a happy kid. I really couldn't ask for more. Kids in these kinds of schools arrive daily from every borough, so they lack any real community. I go when I have a meeting to attend, but there is no PTA.The school has a Board of Directors and an Advisory Board, but families are so spread out that it hasn't really worked out. As it is now, I barely have time to get home, cook, clean, do homework, bathe my kid, before hopefully taking an hour off, or passing out: whichever comes first.

There is so much talent and business acumen amongst our parents.You dedicate all your energy to your kids school, to make it a better place, and you have. As if the fashion show wasn't enough, there was the Luxe Marketplace. PS 10 Rocks! was a great idea....but it doesn't end there. They had like...concert merchandising, There was a photo booth where you could get your own Rock Star photo, There were sunglasses made of little guitars!  Let's not forget PS10 Rocks Jr.,  a spinoff yet!!  I can't keep it all straight.  okay....I got it! The title of this post is..............